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Notebook and Pen

The Writing Process

What I Offer

This deep dive conversation between me and your students focuses not on any particular story, but on how a story gets turned into a book. Starting with a short discussion of what steps are involved in completing a manuscript, we move into content editing, copy editing, standards of excellence and knowing when to stop or when to keep going. Then we talk business. Queries and agents and traditional v.s. indie publishing. Self publishing, too. Then, there's marketing and, of course how much all this costs if you step outside traditional publishing. It's as much a talk about choosing a life as an entrepreneur (same rules for most every industry!) as it is about anything literary. The business of writing, who you need on your team, what is needed if you choose to do it all yourself. I share my stories of having a traditional publishing agent, how I do my business now, how I founded a small publishing company and how it has grown to include other authors, editors, etc. I'll also share stories of how HIDDEN CITY went from an amazon ebook to a Barnes & Noble seven-time in-store bestseller published in hardcover, paperback ebook and audiobook- and what "bestseller" really means.


My mission is to inspire and motivate your students to discover their potential and possibility. I want to see them shine while helping others move forward toward their own power. 


If you are ready to bring The Writing Process to your students, please fill out the form below. You will hear from me or one of my team shortly.


Here's a short price guideline, so you know what to expect. 


Entire day in-person, split among schools, visit: $1200 or free with 300 book purchase

Entire Day in-person visit, single school (multiple classes, full school assembly, etc): $1000 

Half day in-person visit, single school: $600 

Entire School virtual assembly: $600 

Single class  (or class group) in-person visit: $450 

Single class (or class group) virtual visit : $300 



*Book purchases must be made DIRECTLY through MPC Publishing to qualify for free author visit. Questions? 540-446-9200 or

**Please ask about elementary school visits and book quantities. They differ from the above.






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