The Power of Storytelling
What I Offer
The Power of Storytelling is a deep dive conversation between me and your students about HIDDEN CITY and/ or TATTOOED ANGEL. We'll talk about characters and their journeys, the story's themes and background, how and why characters do what they do, and how a novel comes together to create a story that keep readers turning pages and investing in the characters' story. This goes really well with lessons on story construction, character arcs, and three act novel structure, or any kind of creative writing lesson. I'm often asked if I'm a "plotter" or "pantser", how I come up with ideas and why I've chosen a Jewish math nerd as my heroine. I promise our conversation will go far beyond those questions!
My mission is to inspire and motivate your students to recognize their own potential and capability. I share stories of my teenage writing experiences, how I finally wrote my first novel and what I did with it, and how I asked a question at a book signing that led to Neil Gaiman (The Sandman, Good Omens) asking me to write a project with him. (It was kind of a mutual asking- but we'll get to that in your classroom!)
We'll talk about how storytelling is one of the cornerstones of being human- we all need stories- how a career happens from storytelling, and how a single story can change someone's life.
I am thrilled to be a player in your student's middle or high school game- fill out the information below and you'll hear from me or a member of my team shortly to get you a proposal that works for your classroom or school.
Here's a short price guideline, so you know what to expect.
Entire day in-person, split among schools, visit: $1200 or free with 300 book purchase
Entire Day in-person visit, single school (multiple classes, full school assembly, etc): $1000
Half day in-person visit, single school: $600
Entire School virtual assembly: $600
Single class (or class group) in-person visit: $450
Single class (or class group) virtual visit : $300
*Book purchases must be made DIRECTLY through MPC Publishing to qualify for free author visit. Questions? 540-446-9200 or masterfulpersonco@gmail.com
**Please ask about elementary school visits, programming and book quantities. They differ from the above.